Gift a NSWCCL membership

Would you like to gift a NSWCCL membership to a friend, family member or colleague?

All you need to do is:

Step 1 Select the number of memberships you would like to gift and process your payment

Step 2 Respond to the email you receive with your gift membership recipient details - we need their name and email address

Step 3 That's it! We'll process the membership and let your gifted member know within the week, with any message you provide.

Please note: gifted memberships are only available for 1 year ordinary memberships.

Gift 1 membership - $70
Gift 2 memberships - $140
Gift 3 memberships - $210
Gift 4 memberships - $280
Gift 5 memberships - $350

Have a question, want to pay offline, or having trouble with your payment? Read the Donation FAQs or contact us

1. Amount


2. Your information

Individuals applying for membership do so out of commitment to the purposes of the NSWCCL and agree to subscribe to its aims, as set out in the Constitution, and its policies.

Contributions are not tax deductible.

3. Payment information

Please select an amount